Sunday, December 4, 2011



I stayed in the cool AC of the tent most of the day.  I slept, read a little, slept, was online a little surfing and read.  Not much exciting, but necessary to recharge the sore bod from the prior week.

Sometime before dinner I went to the beach to watch the waves come in.  The beach was mostly rocky as the tide was almost in all the way; the sand being a little further out in the waves.  The waves are usually about a foot tall, probably normal for being in the bay, and as I sat in the sand and rocks I stretched out my legs and watched the sun disappear over the mountains to the west. 

I stayed for an hour or so and observed the encroachment of the foamy surf on my feet.  The furthest wave in originally started about 10 away.  Every now and then one would come a little further.  Pretty soon every fifth wave would come closer to my feet, slowly closing the distance.  I imagined Job listening to God’s reprimand when He said, “who told the sea to come this far and no further”.  It was interesting watching the limits of the waves and water and mulling that verse over in my mind.  ‘Why does the water only come so far’?  Yeah, yeah, it’s the tides, and water seeking the lowest level and all that stuff … but yet, who decided that? 

It was a nice reflection to know that my Father decided the rise and fall of the ocean.  And He loves me, and I love Him. 

It put things in perspective for me for that moment.


  1. I think a song could be derived from this post.

  2. Wow. That made me cry! A good cry that is :). His love is so over powering sometimes!

  3. I'm sure that you experienced a peaceful moment. I know I did just reading your blog.


  4. UC, i love those moments too:)
