Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Internet

The Internet

The internet has been a lifesaver for me during my visit to Haiti.  I communicate almost daily with my loved ones at home in the States, check my email accounts and can carry on a daily, or almost daily blog. Twenty years ago we resorted to telephone calls and mail to get news from home.  This new technology has created new words for the English language and has made me feel antiquated by still wanting to use paper and pencil to write things down.  It is a wonder form of communication that is still in its growth stage; user friendly, but haunting in its ability and ramifications.

For many years I’ve considered the internet to be local.  I’ve contacted friends and family in town or in the next state, or maybe even across the country.  It is enjoyable to send a message and receive one back in a day, an hour or even in a second.  My friends and family are all stateside so I’ve never really made the connection that the internet is transmitted worldwide.

As a result of this blog I’ve come to realize how far reaching ones idle ramblings and stories might reach.  The stats that are keeping track of trends on this blog have had hits from not only the States but from numerous other locations around the globe.  I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome the many readers from Russia, Germany, the UK, Malaysia, Latvia and the Philippines for visiting my stories.  I hope they are enjoyable for you to read.  It gives me a sense of responsibility to provide your curiosity about my experiences in Haiti with an honest and realistic story describing the events that transpire during my days here.  Please feel free to contribute to the curiosity of my home readers in the States about your thoughts by leaving a comment at the bottom of each story.

It is a different feeling knowing that what is written can be read by anyone in the world.  Thank you for that epiphany.  I will do my best to be objective and honest to keep your trust.


  1. You have a grande opportunity here Dad. Just like you talked about in your last blog. You never know who is "watching" and your blog could create a lasting impression for pressure ;). Your blogs have brought out your best quailities. You are honest, a great interpreter and story teller and have an amazing ability to clearly state your thoughts and beliefs. These qualities are what is going to make a lasting impression on everyone reading your inner thoughts. In addition, you may find that your invitation to others to comment may have a profound impact on you. Keep writing, and always be encouraged that although there may be no comments your words are reaching us.

  2. Fantastic!
    The internet is a blessig in disguise sometimes...:) Ive missed chatting with you dad. Hopefully I'll get a second sometime this weekend to talk. I miss you! Love you
