Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day

The day started at the usual time at the usual place with the usual temperature; hot.  First thing on the agenda was to let the Haitian mechanic know that the alternator belt on the skidsteer loader was broken.  I helped him take off the safety covers and we finally found a stray belt that worked in one of the storage containers.  That was a blessing since it takes weeks to get anything ordered in from the States.

From there I went across the wall (where the building project is going on) and moved some concrete block around and placed a number of bucket loads of gravel and sand for the masons.  Then I moved up the creek and started excavating out the channel in order to obtain some more fill material for the building pads and also to redirect the creek to retard the erosion along the banks when it rains.  With the creek bed material I started another pad and then graded it out with the skidsteer.  After lunch I removed another section of wall by the office buildings, cleaned it up, moved some more materials and then worked some more on the pad.  It was quite hot and I was thankful for the AC in the loader.  I had it on MAX while I was hauling creek rock.  It felt good and dried up the sweat, at least for the time being. 

It was a long day and I broke off a little early because of the heat.  My joints hurt most of the time now (apparently they don’t remember about lifting, climbing and shoveling), but as long as I stay busy it doesn’t bother me too much.  I feel it most in the mornings and evenings after dinner when I wind down.  I’m glad for the AC in the tents as it provides a coveted respite.  Even though there is no hot water, if I catch a shower before the sun sets, the cool water feels really good and helps cool me down. 

This evening I helped Francois move another concrete mixer across the wall with the loader.  When we returned we noticed a van packed with people leaving the base for some unknown destination.  At dinner I discovered that a bunch of people were invited to the Lamb Center for Thanksgiving dinner.  We weren’t told about it so we had our usual overdone meat for dinner along with some mashed potatoes, cooked potatoes and cool aide.  The dining room totaled out with six men from the construction team.  We chatted for a little bit and pondered the evening and then went our separate ways, most likely to an early bed as the day was long and tiring. 

Tomorrow will undoubtedly be more of the same. But such is the work that the Lord puts before us.  It is simply something that has to be done and since I know He has placed me here, and I know that He is the Boss, then I am content to look on this day as any other.

Inwardly, I miss my family and the importance of this holiday as a time spent with them in feast and fun, but mostly, a time of appreciation discovering that each of them have a positive influence on my daily life. 

I thank my God for my family and friends; immediate and distant.  They are a blessing from above and are a source of joy and happiness to me.

Happy Thanksgiving to you.


  1. I love you Daddie! We miss you dearly too. I am thankful to have a God fearing father that helped guide our childhood and growth. I am even more thankful to have a father that continues to follow God's path through tough days/times. You are a strong man of faith Daddie. We are blessed to have you in our lives. =)

  2. I am so thankful that you are my brother, Curt! I have been following your blog all along the way and am appreciating the circumstances, difficulties, and personalities you live with every day. I like the way you select a different topic each time you write, too. This makes for some interesting reading! Thank you for being faithful to connect with your family and friends in this way. Otherwise I'd worry! :) Love you.
