Sunday, November 6, 2011

Base Photos

The base is on leased land.  It used to be a resort but was destroyed in the earthquake.  A team came in two weeks afterwards and started developing what is there now.  It is clean and tidy and situated at the bottom of the mountains that run along the coast.  The other side of the base is along the ocean, about sixty or so feet from the water.  The wave action is minimal but the view is quite nice.

Edge of tent looking inland

Parking area for vehicles


Road through base headed towards front gate

Base edge with block wall and razor wire

Men's bathroom

Used water bottle ready for refill

Equipment servicing garage



  1. All-in-all it looks like a pretty nice facility.

  2. Fantastic for a compound! What a great view and beautiful green grass. :)

  3. Hard to believe such a beautiful place was the scene of such destruction!
