Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stuff to do ...

It's hard to believe all the things that have to be done before one can leave the country.  There's the packing list, the honey-do list ... which, incidentally, takes priority over all other lists, my list, the kids' list, which, by the way, seems to take precedence over my list and the packing list because of the 'puppy dog' eyes they all seem to have...and then there is the financial arrangements, the organize the 'stuff' arrangements that seem to wait until the last minute but, in reality, should be first in the line up of stuff to do.  And so it continues.  Today some laundry got done, riser lids for the septic tank were replaced (to keep the kids and the dog from falling in ... well, really just the kids) a walk around the block ( remember the puppy dog eyes?) along with other stuff.  At this rate I should be ready to leave by November 2013.  Gotta get organized...lets see, where's that list?


  1. *puppy dog eyes*
    you know you enjoyed that 10 min walk w/ us! ;)

  2. Sounds like to many list, better make a list to take care of them.

  3. Thanks for doing the honey do list! I miss you already. HUGS
